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邓浩鑫,男,汉族,安徽庐江人,198612月生,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。2014年毕业于中国科学院工程热物理研究所工程热物理专业。主要从事低热值气体燃烧利用,预混气体燃烧理论及抑制技术的研究工作。近五年来,主持和参与国家自然科学基金青年项目,河南省科技攻关项目,国家自然科学基金面上项目等省级以上项目5项。在《Fuel》、《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》、《Journal of Thermal Science》、《化工学报》、《煤炭学报》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文40余篇,SCI收录论文30余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者10余篇。担任国家自然科学基金函评专家以及多个SCI国际学术期刊审稿人。先后指导毕业硕士研究生5人,指导研究生中1人获得河南省优秀硕士学位论文,1人获得校优秀硕士学位论文。


1. 2021.1-2023.12,基于壁面淬熄诱导形成机理的管内郁金香火焰抑制与增强,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 主持

2. 2016.1-2018.12,微动力系统加氢辅助催化压燃及能量转换过程的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 参与

3. 2018.1-2020.12,燃烧诱导快速相变及其非稳定超压振荡机理研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 参与

4. 2017.1-2019.1,通风瓦斯变温吸附法浓缩提纯技术研究,河南省科技攻关项目, 主持

5. 2023.1-2024.12, 复杂组分生物质合成气低氮燃烧关键技术及装备研发,河南省科技攻关项目,参与


1. Haoxin Deng*, Mingming Huang, Xiaoping Wen, Guoyan Chen, Fahui Wang, Zhifeng Yao, Numerical investigation of premixed methane-air flame in two-dimensional half open tube in the early stages, Fuel, Volume 272, 2020, 117709.

2. Zhifeng Yao, Haoxin Deng, Weilong Zhao, Xiaoping Wen, Jianfei Dong, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Zhidong Guo, Experimental study on explosion characteristics of premixed syngas/air mixture with different ignition positions and opening ratios, Fuel, Volume 279, 2020, 118426.

3. Zhifeng Yao, Haoxin Deng*, Jianfei Dong, Xiaoping Wen, Xinmin Zhang, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, On explosion characteristics of premixed syngas/air mixtures with different hydrogen volume fractions and ignition positions, Fuel, Volume 288, 2021, 119619.

4. Haoxin Deng*, Zhifeng Yao, Guoyan Chen, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Qiaosheng Zhang, Jianfei Dong, Mingming Huang, Numerical study of the effects of laminar flame speed on flame dynamics in the early stages of flame propagation in two-dimensional half open tubes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 46, Issue 1, 2021.

5. Jianfei Dong, Haoxin Deng*, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Mengmeng Yan, Shengnan Wei, Fahui Wang, Xiaoping Wen, Guoyan Chen, Anchao Zhang, An experimental study on the effect of the flaring rate on flame dynamics in open pipes, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 9, 2022.

6. Beibei Qi, Haoxin Deng, Minggao Yu, Haitao Li, Xufeng Yang, Numerical investigation on the effects of reaction orders on the flame propagation dynamic behaviors for premixed gas in a closed tube, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 12, 2022.

7. Shengnan Wei, Haoxin Deng*, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Mengmeng Yan, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Effects of CO2 addition on deflagration characteristics of syngas-air premixed mixtures in T-pipeline, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 87, 2022.

8. Zhuangzhuang Xu, Haoxin Deng*, Shengnan Wei, Mengmeng Yan, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Experimental and numerical study of the effect of initial temperature on the combustion characteristics of premixed syngas/air flame, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 48, Issue 12, 2023.

9. Guangzhen Sun, Haoxin Deng*, Mengmeng Yan, Shengnan Wei, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Ningning Li, Experimental and simulation study of premixed syngas-air deflagration dynamics with elevated temperature and CO2 addition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 48, Issue 62, 2023.

10. Ningning Li, Haoxin Deng*, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Mengmeng Yan, Shengnan wei, Guangzhen Sun, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Experimental study on NH3/H2/air, NH3/CO/air, NH3/H2/CO/air premix combustion in a closed pipe and dynamic simulation at high temperature and pressure, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023.

11. Guangzhen Sun, Haoxin Deng*, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Mengmeng Yan, Shengnan Wei, Ningning Li, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Experimental and simulation study of NH3–H2-Air flame dynamics at elevated temperature in a closed duct, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023.

12. Zhifeng Yao, Haoxin Deng, Jianfei Dong, Xiaoping Wen, Weilong Zhao, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Xinmin Zhang, and Qiaosheng Zhang, Effect of the Inclination Angle on Premixed Flame Dynamics in Half-Open Ducts, ACS Omega, 2020.

13. Mingming Huang, Haoxin Deng, Yan Liu, Bing Zhang, Shen Cheng, Xingyu Zhang, Fangfang Zhang, Effect of fuel type on the MILD combustion of syngas, Fuel, Volume 281, 2020, 118509.

14. Shengnan Wei, Haoxin Deng*, Jianfei Dong, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Mengmeng Yan & Guoyan Chen, The experimental study on deflagration dynamics of premixed flame in T-type tube, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2022.

15. Mengmeng Yan, Haoxin Deng*, Xiaoping Wen, Jianfei Dong, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Shengnan Wei, Fahui Wang & Guoyan Chen, Experimental study on deflagration dynamics of premixed flame in inclined crossover pipes, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2022.

16. Zhuangzhuang Xu, Haoxin Deng*, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Mengmeng Yan, and Shengnan Wei, Numerical and Experimental Study on Flame Dynamics of the Premixed Methane–Air Mixture at Different Ignition Positions in a Two-Side 45° Branch Tube, ACS Omega 2023.

17. Ningning Li, Haoxin Deng*, Zhuangzhuang Xu, Mengmeng Yan, Shengnan wei, Guangzhen Sun, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Guoyan Chen, Experimental and kinetic study on the effect of oxygen-rich on flame propagation of syngas in a half-open pipe at elevated temperatures, Journal of Thermal Science, 2023.

18. Qiaosheng Zhang, Guoyan Chen, Haoxin Deng, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Anchao Zhang, Wei Sheng, Experimental and numerical study of the effects of oxygen-enriched air on the laminar burning characteristics of biomass-derived syngas, Fuel, Volume 285, 2021, 119183.

19. Mingming Huang, Ruichuan Li, Jikang Xu, Shen Cheng, Haoxin Deng, Bing Zhang, Zhiyu Rong, Yue Li, Effect of thermal input, excess air coefficient and combustion mode on natural gas MILD combustion in industrial-scale furnace, Fuel, Volume 302, 2021, 121179.

20. Yuhao Sun, Yanfei Zhang, Mingming Huang, Qin Li, Wenling Wang, Dapeng Zhao, Shen Cheng, Haoxin Deng, Jianji Du, Yang Song, Huaijing Li, Hongyao Xu, Effect of hydrogen addition on the combustion and emission characteristics of methane under gas turbine relevant operating condition, Fuel, Volume 324, 2022, 124707.

21. Xiaoping Wen, Mengming Wang, Fahui Wang, Minggao Yu, Haoxin Deng, Combined effects of obstacle and fine water mist on gas explosion characteristics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 40, 2021.

22. Yi Wu, Xiaoping Wen, Zhidong Guo, Sen Zhang, Haoxin Deng, Fahui Wang, Experimental study on the propagation characteristics of hydrogen/methane/air premixed flames in a narrow channel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 9, 2022.

23. Shoutong Diao, Xiaoping Wen, Zhidong Guo, Wenqiang He, Haoxin Deng, Fahui Wang, Experimental study of explosion dynamics of syngas flames in the narrow channel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 40, 2022.

24. Shuangshuang Zuo, Guoyan Chen, Anchao Zhang, Haoxin Deng, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang,

Effect of diluent N2 addition on NH3/H2/air combustion characteristics, Fuel, Volume 352, 2023.

25. Shoutong Diao, Xiaoping Wen, Zhidong Guo, Wenqiang He, Haoxin Deng, and Fahui Wang, Flame Propagation Characteristics of Syngas-Air in the Hele-Shaw Duct with Different Equivalence Ratios and Ignition Positions, ACS Omega 2022.

26. Xiaoping Wen, Mengming Wang, Fahui Wang, Minggao Yu, Haoxin Deng, Combined effects of obstacle and fine water mist on gas explosion characteristics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 40, 2021.

27. Guoyan Chen, Shuangshuang Zuo, Junsheng Zhang, Anchao Zhang, Haoxin Deng, Xiaoping Wen, Qiaosheng Zhang, Zheng Shen, Experimental and numerical simulation of effects of CO2/N2 concentration and initial temperature on combustion characteristics of biomass syngas, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, Volume 26, Issue 4, 2022.

28. Jianing Chen, Guoyan Chen, Anchao Zhang, Haoxin Deng, Xiaoping Wen, Fahui Wang, Yanyang Mei, Experimental and numerical study on the effect of CO2 dilution on the laminar combustion characteristics of premixed CH4/H2/air flame, Journal of the Energy Institute, Volume 102, 2022.
