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崔晓斌,男,1986年2月生,山东省沂源县人,汉族,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2013年6月毕业于山东大学机械工程学院,获工学博士学位。从事难加工材料的跨学科多尺度高效绿色切削加工的研究。主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目(52175398)、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(51505132)、第9批中国博士后特别资助项目(2016T90666)、第58批中国博士后面上一等资助项目(2015M580628)、河南省科技攻关项目、河南省青年托举人才工程项目、校国家优青培育项目、校杰出青年基金等。从清洁制造、传热传质学、力学以及材料学角度进行研究,在《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Sustainable Materials and Technologies》、《Journal of Manufacturing Processes》、《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids》、《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Materials & Design》、《 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 》、《Ceramics International》等国际学术期刊以第一作者或唯一通讯作者发表SCI论文33篇。以第一发明人授权国家发明专利10项。担任国家自然科学基金函评专家以及20余种SCI国际学术期刊审稿专家。
(1) 2022年01月--2025年12月,国家自然科学基金面上项目,58万元。(项目主持人)
(2) 2016年01月--2018年12月,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,24.92万元。(项目主持人)
(3) 2016年06月—2017年06月,中国博士后科学基金第9批特别资助,15万元。(项目主持人)
(4) 2015年11月—2017年06月,中国博士后科学基金第58批面上一等资助,8万元。(项目主持人)
(5) 2020年1月—2021年12月,河南省科技攻关项目,10万元。(项目主持人)
(6) 2020年1月—2021年12月,河南省青年托举人才工程项目,10万元。(项目主持人)
(7) 2018年1月—2020年12月,威尼斯wnsr888官网国家优青培育项目,30万元。(项目主持人)
(8) 2018年1月—2020年12月,威尼斯wnsr888官网杰出青年基金项目,10万元。(项目主持人)
(1) Xiaobin Cui, Jingxia Guo, Jianxin Zheng, Optimization of geometry parameters for ceramic cutting tools in intermittent turning of hardened steel, Materials & Design, 2016, 92: 424-437. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(2) Xiaobin Cui, Jingxia Guo, Effects of cutting parameters on tool temperatures in intermittent turning with the formation of serrated chip considered, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110: 1220-1229. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(3) Xiaobin Cui, Dong Wang, Jingxia Guo, Performance optimization for cemented carbide tool in high-speed milling of hardened steel with initial microstructure considered, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 114, 52–59. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(4) Xiaobin Cui, Jingxia Guo, Effects of bioinspired microscopic geometry of ceramic tool surface on tool temperatures in continuous and interrupted turning, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.05.015. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(5) Xiaobin Cui, Dong Wang, Jingxia Guo, Influences of tool rake angle and cutting speed on ceramic tool failure in continuous and intermittent turning of hardened steel, Ceramics International, 2016, 42(10): 12390–12400. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(6) Xiaobin Cui, Feng Jiao, Pingmei Ming, Jingxia Guo, Reliability analysis of ceramic cutting tools in continuous and interrupted hard turning, Ceramics International, 2017, 43(13): 10109-10122. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(7) Xiaobin Cui, Dong Wang, Jingxia Guo, Effects of material microstructure and surface microscopic geometry on the performance of ceramic cutting tools in intermittent turning, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(7): 8201-8209. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(8) Xiaobin Cui, Kai Yan, Jingxia Guo, Bio-inspired fabrication, mechanical characterization and cutting performance evaluation of Al2O3/TiC micro-nano-composite ceramic with varying microscopic surfaces, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(7): 8286-8299. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(9) Xiaobin Cui, Zhiyuan Guo, Jingxia Guo, Intermittent turning performance of ceramic tools with surface micro-geometry designed considering fluid-like behavior of chip, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(14): 16890-16899. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(10) Xiaobin Cui; Yonghui Li; Jingxia Guo; Pingmei Ming; Analysis of a sustainable MQL machining process combining modified waste cooking oil and multifunctional biomimetic microstructure, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 2021, e0311. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(11) Xiaobin Cui; Pengcheng Cao; Jingxia Guo; Pingmei Ming; Use and performance of soybean oil based bio-lubricant in reducing specific cutting energy during biomimetic machining, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 62: 577–590. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(12) Xiaobin Cui, Kai Yan, Jingxia Guo, Dong Wang, Biomimetic micro-textures, mechanical behaviors and intermittent turning performance of textured Al2O3/TiC micro-composite and micro-nano-composite ceramics, 2019. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(13) Xiaobin Cui; Jingxia Guo; Biomimetic fabrication, mechanical behavior and interrupted turning performance of the microscopic surface structures of Al2O3/TiC micro-nano-composite ceramic, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 811: 152012. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(14) Xiaobin Cui; Yuhang Guo; Jingxia Guo; Pingmei Ming; Performance analysis of laser-induced biomimetic ceramic tools in interrupted cutting, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 177: 105589. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)
(15) Xiaobin Cui ,Yuhang Guo, Jingxia Guo, Pingmei Ming. Bio-inspired design of cleaner interrupted turning and its effects on specific cutting energy and harmful gas emission. Journal of cleaner production. 2020. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区一区)
(16) Xiaobin Cui; Yonghui Li; Jingxia Guo; Pingmei Ming; Effects of bio-inspired integration of laser-induced microstructure and coated cemented carbide on tool performance in green intermittent turning, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 65: 228-244. (SCI收录,中科院大类分区二区)